Bets ways to clean kidney ways.

Best ways to clean Kidneys and stay Healthy.
Listed below are the 7 ways we can do the cleansing of our kidney.

  1. Chanca Piedra

Chanca Piedra is a South American herb with clinical trials that support the claims. “Stone breaker” is thought to help with kidney stones. Whether it relaxes the urethra, washes out stone fragments, or increases passing of calcium is unknown. However, it does appear to work.
Most people take chanca piedra as a tea. It is thought to be generally safe.

  1. Goldenrod

Goldenrod is used to tone the urinary tract and detoxify the kidneys. Clinical trials in animals suggest that goldenrod may reduce inflammation and fight infections, and is a diuretic.
The effective plants include Solidago species, not Verbascum densiflorum. If you are allergicto ragweed, chrysanthemums, marigolds and others, you should avoid taking goldenrod.

  1. Hydrangea Root

Hydrangea root is a solvent and may smooth the ragged edges of kidney stones and also helps the body use calcium properly. There are ongoing trials on the efficacy of hydrangea root and autoimmune diseases, diabetes, and arthritis. Hydrangea root is commonly available as tinctures or dried roots in capsules.
It is thought to be safe to take for a few days, but not long term. The dosage should be less than 2 grams at a time.

  1. Horsetail

Horsetail is a diuretic and antioxidant. Horsetail is known to reduce edema, reduce bladder and kidney stones, help with incontinence and cure UTIs. It may be helpful to support the kidneys. It is generally taken as a tea or capsule.
Horsetail contains a chemical called thiaminase that breaks down the vitamin thiamine. Extended use may lead to thiamine deficiency. Make sure that the horsetail comes from Equisetum arvense, Equisetum hyemale,or Equisetum telmateia. Equisetum palustre is known to be toxic to cattle.

  1. Celery Root

Celery seeds and celery root (celeriac) are diuretics. Diuretics may help flush out kidney and celery root is considered stimulating for the kidneys because it contains potassium and sodium.
Celery root is edible and incredibly nutritious or take as an extract or capsule. It also usefulin reducing stiff joints, fights colon cancer, and balances blood levels in anemic people. It also helps with digestion and regular bowel movements. Don’t use when allergic to it.

  1. Gravel Root

Gravel root or Joe Pye weed is also known a kidney root because of its long association with kidney health. Gravel root contains euparin. This solvent has potent activity against harmful organisms and may protect against kidney infections. It is also used for UTIs, gout and kidney stones.
However, it contains hepatotoxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids which may cause liver damage, cancer and birth defects. If you use gravel root, look for “hepatotoxic PA-free” on the label. Otherwise it is considered unsafe.

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