Simple Techniques on How to water and spray our Flowers and Grasses.

How do you water your Grasses and Flowers to make them fresh and succulents?

People now are days find it difficult to keep their gardens and flowers fresh and clean because the means of water supply tends to be difficult for them to get hold of. Techniques of various kind are available for use. But hear I will be exposing us to one just simple Technique we can use to water and spray our Grass and Flowers at home, gardens, company, football field and other social places decorated with grass and flowers.

Firstly, you need a steady water supply channel

Secondly, you need a very long hose enough to go round the areas you want to spray with water.

Thirdly, you need a stand by fan to help spread and move the hose round and round the area where there’s grass and flowers.

Fourthly, you need a steady supply of electricity to pump water through the hose and also supply power to the fan.

Finally, connect a clip to the hose, then clip it to the front center of the fan. Then, power the water pump to supply water to the hose, and then put on the fan to spread and rotate the water supply to various part of the house.

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