Parental Training to the Growing Child.

What is Child Training?

Means a systematic and a professional way of training and educating the Child either by the parents or a professional. It is better for both parents to train and educate their children so that they get to know and understand the characters of that child, there by correcting that child when he/she goes wrong. Foundational education from the home should come first before any other formal Education or training that will be given to the child.

How do we train and groom our Children?

Most parents educate and train their Children at home by their self’s or employ an external tutors to come and educate and train their Children to the desired agreed structure. The kind of training we give our children matters a lot because, that’s is what mold and make them who they will become in future. Education is the key to success which every growing child needs.

The Role of Father/Mother to the Growing Child’s Education.

Parental training matters in the life of the Growing child, since they are the first tutors and instructors of the child at home. Eduction starts from home through the Father and Mother. Children are bound to learn quickly from what their parents teach them. When parents fail to educate and train their children, they tend to be a problem to them and the society at large. The Growing child is fresh and ready to learn at their early stage in life, but when not giving the opportunity to explore that desire, and also no back up means to grow and explores that desire in them makes them loose courage in learning. Parents should always make their selves available for their children during learning process always. This simple act will help to encourage the children to learn and love to learn.

What stage should the Growing Child Learn on their own?.

Parents should never get tired of educating their children when ever the need arises. They should be check mated to see their development on a progressive mode to know if they are developing in their learning. When sent to school, parents should always ask their children some brain challenging questions to know if they understand what they have learnt. The Growing Child have the burning desire to learn from the age of 6years to adult age, but depending on the parental encouragement the child receive during their stay with parents. Teachers are there to educate the child, but the parents are there to check mate them, pitting them to the right part. The Growing child can be allowed to grow and learn on their own after they must have finished or graduated from the secondary school. Although, little encouragement can be giving to them when ever they need it. They should be left to learn on their own, make mistakes and correct their self’s on their own. At this stage, the Growing child needs his or her privacy since they think they are off age and needs to develop their selves on their own.

The Positive influence of Technology to the Growing Child.

Technology has made a positive impact to the whole word, developing and helping to educate people world wide. Positively, children are educated through the means of technology like, laptops, desk top computers, Android phones etc. All theses means are ways children can be educated. Parents should be encourage to buy laptops, desktop computers and Android phones for their children to help them learn fast, brows the internet for educative materials and doing their assignments and project writing.

The Negative Influence to the Growing Child.

Yes, technology is the key to the development of the this world today, So many things are achieved through the advent of technology. Construction, repair, molding, refurbishing are made through technology and are still in existence. Education would have not expounded and improved without the coming of technology. But the painful thing is, the negative impact technology has influenced the Growing child. The computers, Android phones and any other devices tend to negatively influence the character of the Growing child. The child is being exposed to negative things like pornography, chatting with opposite sex, exposing their self’s to external people etc.

What Will the Society say about The Character of the Growing Child.

A child is the legacy of his or her parents. When a child is a problem to both parents and the society, he or she will not be respected in the society and environment they find their selves. Parents should always endeavor to train and educate their children to the acceptable standard of the society because, what ever character they possess at home will be publicly seen and this will be a bad image of both parents. According to the Bible which says, train up a child in the way he should grow and when he’s old, he will not depart from it. Proverb 22:6.

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