Do you Have The Fear of God in you?… Proverbs 9:10, Psalm 111:10

Most people tend to see the word Fear to mean Pain or Danger of something beign experienced by some one. But in the context here, Fear means Respect to God, Reverence and Honouring your creator because of his mighty works.

God is the creator of the whole universe and everything in it, that’s the more reason why we should Fear him.

A true believer always Fear and respect God in every circumstance, that’s why the Bible say, The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom and the knowledge of the Holy is understanding. Proverbs 9:10

Most people have so much fear to their Boss in the office, but don’t have the fear of God in them. Making Him your number one in your life, simply means you fear him and respect him. Those that always Fear and respect God always enjoy his full blessing, protection, deliverance, provision and other wise. If you want to be wise and have Wisdom, then you must Fear God our Father Proverbs 1:7

Job in the Bible can be seen as a very good example of a man that Fear and Respect God. The devil came and tempted him through his wife but he bluntly refuse to disrespect Him. others are Moses, Abraham, David etc shows so much respect for God because they know he’s the Almighty one. Job 28:20-28

Point to note, if you have no fear of God in you, meaning you don’t know Him. And also if you claim you have the fear of God in him and you still partake in evil like stealing, smoking, taking of hard drugs, fornicating, idolatry, keeping of malice and grudge against your neighbour, hatred in the heart, means you don’t fear and love God.

Why not make a change now by accepting him in your life now because hell fire wait for those that refuse to follow in ways. All these are sin, and you need to change and stop doing those things you know are against him.

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