Life Threatening Problems of Bitterness of the Heart in Human.

I will give us some short meaning of the word Bitterness for us to fully understand before getting to know the health challenges.

What is Bitterness?

Simply means been offended by some one and not having the mind to forgive. When a man or woman refuse to forgive any one for what they must have done. Again, a state of been offended or angered by some one. Having the mind been loaded with grieve and unforgiveness.

Kane in the Bible carried so much bitterness against his own brother Abel, for what he did not know. We offend people in various ways either at our place of work or, the environment we stay, at school, at church, mosque and cinema centers directly or indirectly, there by leading to unforgiveness of the heart. Point to note, the human heart is supposed to be free from any external disturbance, like over loading of taught that can make the heart pump fast. God has made the heart to pump blood to all part of the body to make the body strong and healthy to fight any external problems. But when bitterness is been pumped to the body through the heart, the heart starts pumping fast, problem of heart attack comes in, stroke, high blood pressure also is visible in the human body which will eventually make the human body wear off and then death comes in. Listed below are the life threatening problems of Bitterness in Human.

1. Over working of the Human heart

2. Constant Head Aches.

3. Restlessness

4. Illness

5. Stroke

6. High Blood pressure

7. Heaviness of the human body

8.Lack of self control

9. Being field with evil spirit

10. Drives away the Holy Spirit.

Point to note, we should all endeavour to forgive any one that has offended us just as our Father in heaven forgives us all our sins when we do ask for forgiveness. This simple act will help us take away any form of bitterness in our hearts.
Ephesians 4:31 Ephesians 4:3

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