Bets ways to clean kidney ways.

Best ways to clean Kidneys and stay Healthy. Listed below are the 7 ways we can do the cleansing of our kidney. Chanca Piedra Chanca Piedra is a South American herb with clinical trials that support the claims. “Stone breaker” is thought to help with kidney stones. Whether it relaxes the urethra, washes out stone…

A remedy for Cold/Cough, Pains and Smokers Reliever.

When attacked with cold and cough, one of the simples and home remedy to help fight it is, Garlic, Ginger, Lipton Tea and Honey. There are so many importance of Garlic which are, Benefits of Garlic Fight against Cancer. Fight against Hart diseases Controls blood pressure Treats colds also infections Helps revers hair loss. Benefits…

Things you should expect in an Under-developed Economy (Country).

Under-developement of an Economy (country) can be so disverstating because it can result or lead to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of that Country to remain in one place without growing, there by leading the country to a financial doom. Underdevelopement of a country means, static in development, poorverty increase, poor infrastructure, high death rate, high…

Nigeria New Minimum Wage

SEARCH Minimum wage: NLC makes fresh demand after Buhari signed N30,000 bill into law Published on April 19, 2019 The Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC, Ebonyi Chapter, has called for quick release of the minimum wage table to enable workers receive the new pay as quickly as possible. NLC also commended President Muhammadu Buhari for signing…

Why Do Accidents Occur and How to Prevent and Avoid.

In recent times, statistics have shown that more than 20million accident rates have been recorded and how they happened both in Construction Companies, Oil and Gas manufacturing Companies, Steal producing Company, Rubber Producing Company etc, all experience accident in one way or the other be it fatal or not. Here I will be letting is…

Factors Affecting Students Learning Improvements.

Generally speaking, Education is the key to success because without education, a man will not be employed and be giving a political appointment. People are forced to be educated both locally or internationally why because they have come to understand that the chances of making it through education is higher than when a man personally…

The Importance and the dangers of Money.

The world is been serveced with money, Technology expounds, business grow, buying and selling continues, transactions and services are all being done with money. Firstly, lest talk about the world money. What is Money? Money is anything been use as an exchange of goods, property etc which is in the form of banknotes, coins and…

The type of people ladies should not get married to.

Here I will be disccusing on marriage and the type of people ladies should get married to if they want to stay forever in the marriage. Marriage is the union of a man and a woman coming together as one. Every one wants to be famous, rich, celebrity, footballer and be associated with a musician…

Personal inspection instead of car inspection.

Most people don’t understand that the human body is made up of different parts and as such work in one accord to keep the body going. An infected or affected part of the body tends to reduce the strength of the body, there by reducing the efficiency and manpower performance of the body. When any…


what a wonderful team work made. This kind of building requires elort of capital and brain work. But the main thing here is, without group team work, such project can’t be actualized and brought into reality. This wonderful company has wonderfully show case their practical technology bringing to manifestation. This is just one out of…

Knowing who is your friend.

I had a friend in my place of work we have been friends up to 3years. We share ideas, food and other useful information together but not knowing he’s not a friend but just a parasite. We came together planing on how we should start saving money to achieve a particular goal. We decided to…

The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me! Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton