Holiday Safety Consciousness

Holiday Safety Consciousness
This write is about the growing number of homes that have not got proper safety measures in place when you take your family on holiday. This comes on the back of extensive research which concluded 45% of parents feel they need to be more safety conscious on a holiday with young children than they would be at home.
This short write up was writing by a mum whose own two year old son fell into an unenclosed swimming pool during the holiday.
The write up also revealed that almost a quarter of parents felt they had been on family holidays where no basic safety equipment or features were provided.
The parents were also asked to rank holiday safety features in order of importance. Enclosed swimming pools topped the list, followed by enclosed play spaces, stairgates, lifeguards, electric plug socket covers and baby monitors.
Yet, of the holidays that parents had been on with young children, only 45.7% had enclosed swimming pools, 28.7% had stairgates and only 16.1% had electric plug socket covers.
It’s a fact, most holiday properties are not designed with young children in mind. Parents go to great lengths to make their homes child proof but the same precautions aren’t usually in place on a holiday.
This makes it incredibly hard for parents who are usually in dire need of a real break to actually relax. So, we researched a top ten list of things to do to child proof your holiday.

TIPS on How to be Safety Conscious

  1. If the pool is unenclosed, request a room that doesn’t open directly onto it.
  2. Ask whether you can hire stairgates or a playpen.
  3. Take your own baby monitors and be sure to get an international travel adaptor.
  4. Take a roll of masking tape to stick over unused electric plug sockets.
  5. Ensure your children wear buoyancy aids at all times when in the pool area.
  6. Take a travelling first aid kit with you.
  7. Opt for babysitting rather than baby listening services.
  8. Close curtains or blinds to patio doors to stop children accidently running into them.
  9. If you have children under two purchase cupboard ties to stop them opening kitchen doors.
  10. Finally, take plenty of sunblock, even in cold weather the sun can burn exposed skin.
    To sum up, just make sure you have a check list of things to take run through before you pack your suitcase, alternatively don’t hesitate to print off the list above. OnceOnce you’ve run through your checklist , relax and enjoy your holiday!
    How To Get the most Popular Gifts for your Children during the Holiday
    Many parents do not want to mislead their children into thinking that Christmas is just a time of the year when they can receive the most popular Christmas gifts. Although it is wonderful to teach your children that there is more to Christmas than gift giving, it doesnt mean that you shouldnt try to give them gifts that would make their Christmas special.
    Letting your children down because you were unable to give them the most popular Christmas gifts can be difficult for a parent. Finding these special gifts means that you may have to exhaust every possible resource. Finding these gifts often require spending a lot of time on the phone trying to find a store that have the most popular Christmas gifts. Popular gifts like toys that are in such high demand can really be hard to find .
    To make hunting for special gifts easier, try to find out what item your child is wishing for the most. Figuring out his dream gift a month before Christmas can make gift hunts less challenging. If you still cant find those gifts in stores, you might have a chance of finding them online. If youre looking for the most popular Christmas gifts, you may have to check them out at eBay which often means that you have to pay more. You can also back order the toy from another website, but you might be able to get it after Christmas
    Even if you cant get those hard to find most popular Christmas gifts , you can still please your children by giving them unique gifts. Unique and novelty gifts are available at specialty stores and on the Internet. The smile on you childrens faces when they hold that special gift can make your Christmas a special one.
    Things to Remember While Buying Children Clothes For Holidays

Style & Color
As a parent, if you know what your kids’ interests are and how they think, it’s possible that you might be able to buy the type of kid clothes that could make them happy. Children can be very particular about the style and the type of clothes that they want. From choosing items with pictures of specific cartoon characters to imitating the style adopted by their favorite idols, kids want their clothes to reflect their interests and personality. Kids also love to be a part of the crowd and wearing similar kid clothes in their circle could prove to be a positive experience for many. Thus, before buying, it would definitely be a good idea to allow your children to choose their own style online through sites.
Material quality
Because of the actively playful nature of children, they will likely be exposed to more elements in the environment, compared to the average adult clothes,. Thus, no parent would want to see a situation where the kid clothes get torn or damaged within 2 days of buying. It’s important to ensure that a kid clothes are made of material that are of durable quality. Similarly, the fabric need to be washed very frequently because of which it needs to have high washing durability. Yet, it also has to be ensured that materials or chemicals that can be corrosive or harmful to the delicate skin of a child aren’t present in the clothes. As far as possible buying kid clothes with natural fibres, at least in the inner layer, is a safe choice.
Season and occasion
Children’s bodies are much more vulnerable to seasonal diseases than an average adult’s body. Thus, it’s important buy kid clothes that can handle the season and the occasion. Children’s clothes need to be changed and cleaned more frequently owing to the high risk of seasonal diseases. In most environments, clothes that are perfect for use by kids during daytime could prove to be not so suitable in the evening.

Size and flexibility
The rate of growth of a child can be really dynamic for some while not so dynamic for many in any given period. Thus, kid clothes that appeared to be the ideal fit for your kids only six months ago could prove to be tight and uncomfortable for the same kids in the present. Also, buying expensive kid clothes now that can’t even be wearable in the next year could prove to be money wasted for parents. Instead , buying quality and affordable clothes could prove to be the right decision. It would also be wise for parents to buy kid clothes made from flexible or stretchable natural fibers as they can be used for a longer period.
The Kind of Food to Eat during the Holiday that will keep you fit
Here it is the beginning of December and everyone is starting to think of gifts, holiday parties, and all the wonderful food that can be eaten this holiday season. Really, this 4-5 week euphoric glutton usually begins on Thanksgiving. The following days after, the question that always is asked is “did you eat a lot.” This theme continues on throughout the holidays and stops around New Year’s. At that time, the individual remembers all the times they took a bite out of another cookie saying, “I’ll start my diet back up again after New Years.” I’m here to tell you that if you can stay focused during these 4 weeks, you can enjoy the holiday treats plus, if you so desire, still lose a little weight.
Now most people reading this are saying, “Yeah right.” I’ll have to be honest though, I should have wrote this article in October so that if you haven’t been exercising you could have started then so by December your body would have been totally adjusted to the routine. I will make a mental note for next year, but for now let’s make due with the time we have.
The first thing I want to say is that if you are currently not exercising then this will be a lot tougher for you. If you still adhere to the majority of the principles that I stress, you probably won’t lose weight, but you won’t gain much either. I would definitely view that as positive. If you have been working out, then the first thing that I urge would be to still maintain your workouts throughout these four weeks. It is easy to get caught up in the holidays, taking time off from work, visiting relatives, etc. If you can maintain your workouts, you will be able to maintain your body’s ability to burn fat efficiently.
This next point I’m going to tell you is the big credo to remember this holiday season. One day of eating holiday foods (i.e. cookies, eggnog, and other fun stuff) will not make you fat. Eating several days, even many days of holiday foods, yes might do something to your health, but one day here or there is not going to ruin the many days you HAVE been exercising and eating right.
So with that in mind, here is what I suggest. Ideally, I would love for my clients to eat 6 days properly and have one day be a cheat day. If you know of a day coming up, which we always do, that you are having a party that you just want to let loose at, then plan that as your cheat day. If there are several parties throughout the week (which would mean you are Mr./Mrs. Popular), then try to eat healthy the meals prior to the time of your party, but by all means have a good time at that party. If you are eating right and continue to exercise, your body will still be able to do its job and quite possibly, help you lose weight, if that is what your goal is.
With that being said, the same credo can apply to exercising. The days that you know you can get your workouts in, then do. If you are planning on partying one night and anticipating not feeling the greatest the next day, then take the day off. Your body isn’t going to flab up for missing one day of exercising. In fact, it might enjoy the break to rejuvenate you for the next workout. Fitting in 2-4 workouts throughout the week, will definitely help keep your body where it is and counter the affects of any holiday cheer you might experience.
The holidays are a fun time and you should thoroughly enjoy them. If you do a little planning though , it doesn’t have to be the train wreck you might be anticipating. Continue to exercise when you can and eat appropriately when you can (you aren’t going to parties 24/7 are you?) and you will be in great shape for the New Year to roll around and kick in those resolutions.